Type Alias TShow3DMapOptionsExperimental

TShow3DMapOptions: {
    bearing?: number;
    debug?: boolean;
    initialFloor?: Floor | string;
    occlusion?: { enabled?: boolean };
    outdoorView?: {
        enabled?: boolean;
        layersHiddenByGeometry?: string[];
        lowDpi?: boolean;
        style?: string;
        token?: string;
    pitch?: number;
    shadingAndOutlines?: boolean;
    style?: {
        backgroundAlpha?: number;
        backgroundColor?: string;
        outlines?: boolean;
        shading?: boolean
        | Shading;
        wallTopColor?: string;
    wallTopColor?: string;
    zoomLevel?: number;

Options for showing a 3D map.

Type declaration

  • Optionalbearing?: number

    The initial bearing of the map, in degrees.

  • Optional Experimentaldebug?: boolean

    Enable debug mode to check the visual representation of performance stats.

  • OptionalinitialFloor?: Floor | string

    First floor to be rendered. By default, floor with the elevation that's closest to 0 is rendered. All floors will be sorted by elevation in ascending order.

  • Optional Experimentalocclusion?: { enabled?: boolean }

    Enable occlusion of labels, markers and floors.

    • Optionalenabled?: boolean

      Enable occlusion.

  • OptionaloutdoorView?: {
        enabled?: boolean;
        layersHiddenByGeometry?: string[];
        lowDpi?: boolean;
        style?: string;
        token?: string;

    The outdoor view options.

    • Optionalenabled?: boolean

      Enable or disable the outdoor view.

    • OptionallayersHiddenByGeometry?: string[]

      Layers that should be hidden by geometry. This is useful when you want to hide certain layers when they are below the geometry.

      ['building', 'building-top']
    • OptionallowDpi?: boolean

      Reduces the pixel ratio for MapLibre rendering to improve framerate performance. When enabled, the rendering quality will be lower but performance will be better, which can be useful on devices with high-DPI displays or limited GPU capabilities.

    • Optionalstyle?: string

      A url to a style specification conforming to the Maplibre Style Spec. Use the environment setting to switch environments.

    • Optionaltoken?: string

      The token is used to fetch outdoor tiles, which will then be rendered.

  • Optionalpitch?: number

    The initial pitch of the map, in degrees.

  • OptionalshadingAndOutlines?: boolean

    Enable shading of bottoms of geometry along with outlines to make geometry stand out.


    Use style.shading.

  • Optional Experimentalstyle?: {
        backgroundAlpha?: number;
        backgroundColor?: string;
        outlines?: boolean;
        shading?: boolean | Shading;
        wallTopColor?: string;

    Style options for the map.

    • OptionalbackgroundAlpha?: number

      Background alpha value. Only relevant if outdoor map is disabled.

    • OptionalbackgroundColor?: string

      Background color. Only relevant if outdoor map is disabled.

    • Optionaloutlines?: boolean

      Set the global outlines for all elements. True will enable outlines, false will disable them.

    • Optionalshading?: boolean | Shading

      Set the global shading for all elements. True will use default values, false will disable shading.

    • OptionalwallTopColor?: string

      Specify a color for the top of wall geometry.

  • OptionalwallTopColor?: string

    Specify a color for the top of wall geometry.

    Use style.wallTopColor.

  • OptionalzoomLevel?: number

    The initial zoom level of the map, in mercator zoom levels. If it is not specified, it will default to the level that fits the map bounds.