Class EnterpriseVenue

The EnterpriseVenue class holds metadata bout the map, which includes the map name, supported languages, default language, top locations and more. It can be accessed using the () method as shown below.

const venue = mapData.getByType('enterprise-venue');

Refer to the EnterpriseVenue Guide for more information.


  • default
    • EnterpriseVenue


  • EnterpriseVenue


countrycode?: string

The country code of the venue.

defaultLanguage: Language = ...

The default language of the venue.

defaultMap?: string

The default map of the venue.

externalId: string = ''

The external ID of the venue.

extra?: Record<string, unknown>

Extra properties of the venue.

icon?: string

A URL to the icon of the venue.

id: string

The identity of the map metadata.

languages: Language[] = []

The languages supported by the venue.

links: Hyperlink[] = []

The links of the venue.

logo?: string

A URL to the logo of the venue.

mappedinWebUrl?: string

A URL to a web page with Mappedin Web for this venue.

slug: string = ''

The slug of the venue.

topLocations?: string[]

The top locations of the venue.

tzid?: string

The timezone ID of the venue.


  • get name(): string
  • Gets the name of the EnterpriseVenue.

    Returns string

    The name of the EnterpriseVenue.


  • Serializes the EnterpriseVenue data to JSON.

    Returns { id: string; name: string }

    An object representing the EnterpriseVenue.

  • Checks if the provided instance is of type EnterpriseVenue.


    • instance: object

      The instance to check.

    Returns instance is EnterpriseVenue

    True if the instance is a EnterpriseVenue, false otherwise.