colorThe color of the category.
The external ID of the category.
extraExtra properties of the category.
iconA URL to the icon of the category.
iconThe icon from the default list of icons.
idThe identity of the map metadata.
The name of the category.
The sort order of the category.
The child categories of the category.
The EnterpriseLocations within this category.
isChecks if the provided instance is of type EnterpriseCategory.
The instance to check.
True if the instance is a EnterpriseCategory, false otherwise.
An EnterpriseCategory groups one or more EnterpriseLocation. These allow similar locations to be sorted in a logical fashion. For example a mall may group locations into Food Court, Footwear and Women's Fashion. They can be accessed using the () method as shown below.
Refer to the EnterpriseCategory Guide for more information and interactive examples.