Class EnterpriseCategory

An EnterpriseCategory groups one or more EnterpriseLocation. These allow similar locations to be sorted in a logical fashion. For example a mall may group locations into Food Court, Footwear and Women's Fashion. They can be accessed using the () method as shown below.

const categories = mapData.getByType('enterprise-category');

Refer to the EnterpriseCategory Guide for more information and interactive examples.


  • default
    • EnterpriseCategory


  • Omit<MVFEnterpriseCategory, "children" | "locations">


color?: string

The color of the category.

externalId: string = ''

The external ID of the category.

extra?: Record<string, unknown>

Extra properties of the category.

icon?: string

A URL to the icon of the category.

iconFromDefaultList?: null | string

The icon from the default list of icons.

id: string

The identity of the map metadata.

name: string = ''

The name of the category.

sortOrder: number = -1

The sort order of the category.



  • Serializes the EnterpriseCategory data to JSON.

    Returns { id: string; name: string }

    An object representing the EnterpriseCategory.

  • Checks if the provided instance is of type EnterpriseCategory.


    • instance: object

      The instance to check.

    Returns instance is EnterpriseCategory

    True if the instance is a EnterpriseCategory, false otherwise.