expandedThe factor of the expanded floor stack. 0 is collapsed, 1 is fully expanded.
Gets the distance between floors in meters.
This property returns different values based on how the expand()
method was called:
was called with distanceBetweenFloors: 'auto'
, this returns the computed
value needed to visually separate the first two floors in clip space.expand()
was called with a numeric value (e.g., distanceBetweenFloors: 50
this returns that specified value.This value is cached for performance until clearCachedFloorSeparationDistance()
is called
to force a recalculation.
// Using automatic floor separation distance
await mapView.StackedMaps.expand({ distanceBetweenFloors: 'auto' });
console.log(mapView.StackedMaps.distanceBetweenFloors); // Returns computed separation value
// Using fixed floor separation distance
await mapView.StackedMaps.expand({ distanceBetweenFloors: 50 });
console.log(mapView.StackedMaps.distanceBetweenFloors); // Returns 50
Whether the floor stack is expanded.
The visibility mode for the stacked maps. 'all-floors' will show all floors, 'only-current-floor' will only show the current floor in the stack.
Clears the cached value for the computed distance between floors.
Call this method to invalidate the calculation of the optimal distance between floors
when using distanceBetweenFloors: 'auto'
option with the expand() method. This is useful
when the camera position or viewport has changed significantly, which may affect the optimal
floor separation distance.
Collapse the floor stack.
opts: TCameraAnimationOptionsOptional settings for the collapse.
Expand the floor stack.
opts: TExpandOptionsOptional settings for the expansion.
Unsubscribe a function previously subscribed with on
An event name to which the provided function was previously subscribed.
A function that was previously passed to on. The function must have the same reference as the function that was subscribed.
Subscribe a function to an event.
An event name which, when fired, will call the provided function.
A callback that gets called when the corresponding event is fired. The callback will get passed an argument with a type that's one of event payloads.
Stacked Maps enables multi floor visualization. It allows for multiple floors of a building to be shown together as a stack of floors in an accordion style view.
This class is accessed using MapView.StackedMaps.
Refer to the Stacked Maps Guide for more information and interactive examples.