Type Alias TBlueDotPositionUpdate

TBlueDotPositionUpdate: {
    accuracy?: GeolocationPosition["coords"]["accuracy"] | "device";
    floorOrFloorId?: Floor | string | "device";
    heading?: GeolocationPosition["coords"]["heading"] | "device";
    latitude?: GeolocationPosition["coords"]["latitude"] | "device";
    longitude?: GeolocationPosition["coords"]["longitude"] | "device";

Position update options for the BlueDot.update method.

Type declaration

  • Optionalaccuracy?: GeolocationPosition["coords"]["accuracy"] | "device"

    Accuracy to override. Set to 'device' to reset to the device's accuracy. Set to undefined to disable the accuracy ring.

  • OptionalfloorOrFloorId?: Floor | string | "device"

    Floor or floorId to override. Set to 'device' to reset to the device's floor level. Set to undefined to disable floor level and show the BlueDot on all floors.

  • Optionalheading?: GeolocationPosition["coords"]["heading"] | "device"

    Heading to override. Set to 'device' to reset to the device's heading. Set to undefined to disable the heading indicator.

  • Optionallatitude?: GeolocationPosition["coords"]["latitude"] | "device"

    Latitude to override. Set to 'device' to reset to the device's latitude.

  • Optionallongitude?: GeolocationPosition["coords"]["longitude"] | "device"

    Longitude to override. Set to 'device' to reset to the device's longitude.