Type Alias TEvents

TEvents: {
    "blue-dot-error": TBlueDotEvents["error"];
    "blue-dot-follow-change": TBlueDotEvents["follow-change"];
    "blue-dot-position-update": TBlueDotEvents["position-update"];
    "blue-dot-state-change": TBlueDotEvents["state-change"];
    "camera-change": CameraTransform;
    click: TClickPayload;
    "floor-change": { floor: Floor; reason?: TFloorChangeReason };
    "floor-change-start": { floor: Floor };
    hover: Omit<THoverPayload, "pointerEvent">;
    "navigation-active-path-change": { directions: Directions; path: Path };
    "navigation-connection-click": {
        fromFloor?: Floor;
        instruction: TDirectionInstruction;
        toFloor: Floor;
    "outdoor-style-loaded": undefined;
    "outdoor-view-loaded": undefined;
    "post-render": undefined;
    "pre-render": undefined;
    "user-interaction-end": undefined;
    "user-interaction-start": undefined;
} & TStackedMapsEvents

Defines the structure and types of events emitted in the context of the map.

Type declaration

  • blue-dot-error: TBlueDotEvents["error"]

    Emitted when the Blue Dot encounters an error.

  • blue-dot-follow-change: TBlueDotEvents["follow-change"]

    Emitted when the Blue Dot's follow mode changes.

  • blue-dot-position-update: TBlueDotEvents["position-update"]

    Emitted when the Blue Dot's position is updated.

  • blue-dot-state-change: TBlueDotEvents["state-change"]

    Emitted when the Blue Dot's state changes.

  • camera-change: CameraTransform

    Emitted when the camera's view changes.

  • click: TClickPayload

    Emitted when the map is clicked or tapped on a touch screen.

  • floor-change: { floor: Floor; reason?: TFloorChangeReason }

    Emitted after the floor change is complete.

  • floor-change-start: { floor: Floor }

    Emitted when a floor change starts.

  • hover: Omit<THoverPayload, "pointerEvent">

    Emitted when the map is hovered over with a mouse.

  • navigation-active-path-change: { directions: Directions; path: Path }

    Emitted when the active path changes.

  • navigation-connection-click: { fromFloor?: Floor; instruction: TDirectionInstruction; toFloor: Floor }

    Emitted when a navigation connection is clicked.

  • outdoor-style-loaded: undefined

    Emitted when the outdoor style is loaded or changed.

  • outdoor-view-loaded: undefined

    Emitted when the outdoor view is fully loaded and displayed.

  • post-render: undefined

    Emitted after the scene is drawn to the screen.

  • pre-render: undefined

    Emitted before the scene is drawn to the screen.

  • user-interaction-end: undefined

    Emitted when a user interaction with the map ends.

  • user-interaction-start: undefined

    Emitted when a user interaction with the map starts (e.g., dragging the map).