Type Alias TDirectionInstructionAction

TDirectionInstructionAction: {
    bearing?: "Straight" | "Right" | "SlightRight" | "Left" | "SlightLeft";
    connection?: Connection;
    connectionType?: string;
    direction?: "up" | "down" | "none";
    fromFloor?: Floor;
    toFloor?: Floor;
        | "Departure"
        | "TakeConnection"
        | "ExitConnection"
        | "Turn"
        | "Arrival";

Represents an action within a direction instruction.

Type declaration

  • Optionalbearing?: "Straight" | "Right" | "SlightRight" | "Left" | "SlightLeft"

    Bearing direction for this action (e.g., 'Straight', 'Right', 'Left').

  • Optionalconnection?: Connection

    Connection object related to the action. This represents the specific connection (e.g., elevator, stairs) involved in the current direction step.

  • OptionalconnectionType?: string

    The type of the connection (e.g., 'elevator', 'escalator').

    in favor of connection.type

  • Optionaldirection?: "up" | "down" | "none"

    The direction of the connection (e.g., 'up', 'down').

  • OptionalfromFloor?: Floor

    The Floor from which this action starts.

  • OptionaltoFloor?: Floor

    The target Floor for this action.

  • type: "Departure" | "TakeConnection" | "ExitConnection" | "Turn" | "Arrival"

    Type of action required at this step (e.g., 'Departure', 'Arrival', 'Turn').