Class Area

An Area represents some grouping of multiple pieces of geometry, not necessarily bounded by walls or any other physical feature of the map.

Areas are currently in a preview state, and may have changes to existing functionality or new features added in the future.


  • default
    • Area



id: string

The identity of the map data.

images: ImageData[]

Gets the array of images associated with this data type.

An array of Image objects, or an empty array if no images exist.

links: Hyperlink[]

Gets the links associated with this data type.

The links associated with this data type


  • get description(): string
  • Gets the description of the area.

    Returns string

    The description of the area, or an empty string if no description exists.

  • get externalId(): string
  • Gets the external identifier of the area.

    Returns string

    The external ID of the area, or an empty string if no external ID exists.

  • get floor(): Floor
  • Gets the Floor object associated with the area.

    Returns Floor

    The floor object.

    Will throw an error if the floor is not found.

  • get geoJSON(): { geometry: Polygon; properties: null; type: "Feature" }
  • Gets the underlying GeoJSON Feature representation of this Area.

    Returns { geometry: Polygon; properties: null; type: "Feature" }

  • get geoJSONBoundingBox(): {}
  • Gets the bounding box of the geoJSON geometry.

    Returns {}

    The bounding box of the geoJSON geometry

  • get name(): string
  • Gets the name of the area.

    Returns string

    The name of the area.


  • Serializes the space data to JSON.

    Returns { floor: string; id: string; name: string }

    An object representing the space.

  • Checks if the provided instance is of type Area.


    • instance: object

      The instance to check.

    Returns instance is Area

    True if the instance is a Area, false otherwise.