Class EnterpriseLocation

A class representing enterprise location data within the map.

An EnterpriseLocation is something like a store, or a washroom on a map.


  • default
    • EnterpriseLocation


  • Omit<MVFEnterpriseLocation, "polygons" | "nodes" | "links">


amenity?: string

The location's amenity type. Only set if the location is an amenity

description?: string
externalId: string = ''
extra?: Record<string, unknown>
gallery?: {
    caption?: null | string;
    embeddedUrl?: null | string;
    image: string;

The location's image gallery

id: string

identity of the map object

links: Hyperlink[] = []

Gets the links associated with this data type.

The links associated with this data type

logo?: string

The location's logo


name: string = ''
operationHours?: OperationHours[]
phone?: {
    extension?: string;
    number: string;
picture?: string

The picture of the location


shortName?: string
showFloatingLabelWhenImagePresent?: boolean

Whether to show the flat label when an image is present

showLogo?: boolean

Whether to show the logo of the location

siblingGroups?: SiblingGroup[]

Locations that are related to this location in some manner (described by the label)

social?: {
    facebook?: string;
    instagram?: string;
    twitter?: string;
    website?: string;

The location's social media links

sortOrder: number = -1
states?: LocationState[]

The location's state. No more than one state should be active at a time, and all but at most one should have dates set

tags?: string[]
type: string = ''


  • get nodes(): Node[]
  • Returns Node[]


  • Serializes the EnterpriseLocation data to JSON.

    Returns {
        id: string;
        name: string;

    An object representing the EnterpriseLocation.

    • id: string
    • name: string
  • Checks if the provided instance is of type EnterpriseLocation.


    • instance: object

      The instance to check.

    Returns instance is EnterpriseLocation

    True if the instance is a EnterpriseLocation, false otherwise.