Type Alias TBlueDotEvents

TBlueDotEvents: {
    error: GeolocationPositionError;
    "follow-change": { following: boolean; mode?: TFollowMode };
    "position-update": {
        accuracy: GeolocationPosition["coords"]["accuracy"] | undefined;
        coordinate: Coordinate;
        floor: Floor | undefined;
        heading: GeolocationPosition["coords"]["heading"] | undefined;
    "state-change": { action: TBlueDotAction; state: TBlueDotState };

Type declaration

  • error: GeolocationPositionError

    Emitted when the Blue Dot encounters an error.

  • follow-change: { following: boolean; mode?: TFollowMode }

    Emitted when the Blue Dot's following state changes.

    • following: boolean

      Whether the Blue Dot is following the user.

    • Optionalmode?: TFollowMode

      The mode the Blue Dot is following the user in.

  • position-update: {
        accuracy: GeolocationPosition["coords"]["accuracy"] | undefined;
        coordinate: Coordinate;
        floor: Floor | undefined;
        heading: GeolocationPosition["coords"]["heading"] | undefined;

    Emitted when the Blue Dot's position is updated.

  • state-change: { action: TBlueDotAction; state: TBlueDotState }

    Emitted when the Blue Dot's state changes.