Type Alias TExpandOptions

TExpandOptions: TCameraAnimationOptions & {
    cameraPanMode?: "default" | "elevation";
    changeFloorOnElevationChanges?: boolean;
    distanceBetweenFloors?: number | "auto";
    includedFloors?: Floor[];

Type declaration

  • OptionalcameraPanMode?: "default" | "elevation"

    The pan mode to use when animating the camera.

  • OptionalchangeFloorOnElevationChanges?: boolean

    Whether to change the floor on elevation changes.

  • OptionaldistanceBetweenFloors?: number | "auto"

    The distance between floors in the stack in meters.

    • When set to 'auto', the system automatically calculates the optimal distance needed to visually separate first two floors in the current view.
    • When set to a numeric value, that exact distance in meters is used between each floor.
    // Use automatic distance calculation
    await mapView.StackedMaps.expand({ distanceBetweenFloors: 'auto' });
    console.log(mapView.distanceBetweenFloors) // output: computed value

    // Use fixed distance of 75 meters between floors
    mapView.StackedMaps.expand({ distanceBetweenFloors: 75 });
    console.log(mapView.distanceBetweenFloors) // output: 75 as specified
  • OptionalincludedFloors?: Floor[]

    The floors to include in the stack.