Class PointOfInterest

A class representing point of interest data within the map.

Points of interest are used to represent specific points on the map with additional information(e.g. ATMs, Water Fountains).


  • default
    • PointOfInterest





id: string

identity of the map object

links: Hyperlink[] = []

Gets the links associated with this data type.

The links associated with this data type


  • get description(): string
  • Gets the description of the POI.

    Returns string

    The description of the POI.

  • get floor(): Floor
  • Gets the Floor object associated with the POI.

    Returns Floor

    The floor object.

    Will throw an error if the floor is not found.

  • get images(): Image[]
  • Gets the images associated with the POI.

    Returns Image[]

    The images associated with the POI.

  • get name(): string
  • Gets the name of the POI.

    Returns string

    The name of the POI.


  • Serializes the POI data to JSON.

    Returns {
        coordinate: {
            floor: undefined | string;
            latitude: number;
            longitude: number;
        floor: string;
        id: string;
        name: string;

    An object representing the POI.

    • coordinate: {
          floor: undefined | string;
          latitude: number;
          longitude: number;
      • floor: undefined | string
      • latitude: number
      • longitude: number
    • floor: string
    • id: string
    • name: string
  • Checks if the provided instance is of type PointOfInterest.


    • instance: object

      The instance to check.

    Returns instance is PointOfInterest

    True if the instance is a PointOfInterest, false otherwise.