Type Alias TFocusOnOptions

TFocusOnOptions: TCameraAnimationOptions & {
    axisAlignedPadding?: { vertical?: number };
    bearing?: number;
    interruptible?: boolean;
    maxZoomLevel?: number;
    minZoomLevel?: number;
    pitch?: number;
    screenOffsets?: InsetPaddingOption;

Options for focusing the Camera on a target.

Type declaration

  • OptionalaxisAlignedPadding?: { vertical?: number }

    Axis aligned padding to add to the bounding box in meters.

    • Optionalvertical?: number

      Vertical padding to add to the bounding box in meters along the elevation axis.

  • Optionalbearing?: number

    Camera bearing when focusing on a target in degrees clockwise from North. 0 degrees is North, 90 degrees is East, 180 degrees is South, and 270 degrees is West.

  • Optionalinterruptible?: boolean

    Whether the current animation will be interrupted, or must complete before starting any new animations @default: true

  • OptionalmaxZoomLevel?: number

    Maximum zoom level when focusing on a target in mercator zoom levels.

  • OptionalminZoomLevel?: number

    Minimum zoom level when focusing on a target in mercator zoom levels.

  • Optionalpitch?: number

    Camera pitch when focusing on a target, in degrees.

  • OptionalscreenOffsets?: InsetPaddingOption