The current bearing of the camera in degrees clockwise from North. 0 degrees is North, 90 degrees is East, 180 degrees is South, and 270 degrees is West.
The current center coordinate (Coordinate) of the camera.
The current elevation of the camera in meters.
The maximum pitch of the camera in degrees.
The maximum zoom level of the camera in mercator zoom levels.
The minimum pitch of the camera in degrees.
The minimum zoom level of the camera in mercator zoom levels.
The camera's current pan mode.
The current pitch of the camera in degrees.
The current zoom level of the camera in mercator zoom levels.
Animate the camera's elevation to a specified elevation.
The target elevation in meters.
options: TCameraAnimationOptionsOptional settings for the camera animation.
Animates the camera to a specified target.
The target configuration for the camera.
options: TCameraAnimationOptionsOptional settings for the camera animation.
Focuses the camera on a specific target or array of targets.
The target(s) to focus on, either a single element or an array of elements.
options: TFocusOnOptionsOptional settings for focusing the camera.
Sets the camera to a specified target without animation.
The target configuration for the camera.
Toggle the mode of the camera to automatically set the minimum zoom level based on the size of the scene. It will be automatically disabled when the minimum zoom level is set manually.
The new value for the auto min zoom level mode.
The mode of the camera to automatically set the minimum zoom level based on the size of the scene.