This class contains methods that help to display and interact with a Mappedin venue
blue dot manager
camera control manager
MPIMap of the current map
flat label manager
floating label manager
journey manager
an instance of MPIMapViewListener
an instance of MPIMapClickListener
Marker manager
Path manager
offline search manager
Adds an interactive polygon (allows it to be clickable)
Changes the language of the venue. This will trigger a re-fetch of the venue data.
Clears color on all polygons
Create a tooltip with no default styling that the MapView will attempt to position in 3D space. The tooltip will be anchored to a specified node or coordinate in one of eight anchor orientations.
Creates a marker on a MPINavigatable.MPICoordinate Deprecated: Use MPIMarkerManager.add instead.
Creates a marker on a MPINavigatable.MPINode Deprecated: Use MPIMarkerManager.add instead.
Creates a tooltip associated with a specified coordinate and displays it on the map.
Creates a tooltip associated with a specified node and displays it on the map.
Draws a path on the MPIMapView Deprecated: Use MPIPathManager.addPath instead.
Enables image flipping for a polygon
Returns the current language of the venue.
Get directions to a MPIDestinationSet (MPINavigatable.MPINode, MPINavigatable.MPILocation, MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon) from another MPINavigatable
Get directions to a MPINavigatable (MPINavigatable.MPINode, MPINavigatable.MPILocation, MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon) from another MPINavigatable
Get the distance in meters between a MPINavigatable (MPINavigatable.MPINode, MPINavigatable.MPILocation, MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon) and MPINavigatable
Get the MPIMap.MPICoordinate using a MapView's screen x and y coordinate. The coordinate is relative to the top left corner of the map view. The top left corner of the MapView is (0, 0). The bottom right corner is MapView.width
and MapView.height
Gets the nearest node by screen coordinates
Gets a list of polygons by map coordinates
Gets a list of polygons by screen coordinates
Label all polygons with locations either loaded via the API or passed in
Sets a flat label for MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon
Sets a floating label for MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon
Loads the venue based on the options passed in MPIMapView
Remove all paths on the MPIMapView Deprecated: Use MPIPathManager.removeAllPaths instead.")
Removes a marker from a MPINavigatable.MPINode Deprecated: Use MPIMarkerManager.remove instead.
Removes the tooltip with the specified tooltipId from the map.
Sets the ambient occlusion configuration.
Sets the anti aliasing configuration.
Sets the color of the MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon
Shows the venue based on the venue data and options passed in MPIMapView