MPIMap View Interface
This class contains methods that help to display and interact with a Mappedin venue
Adds an interactive polygon (allows it to be clickable)
Changes the language of the venue. This will trigger a re-fetch of the venue data.
Clears color on all polygons
Creates a marker on a MPINavigatable.MPICoordinate
Draws a path on the MPIMapView Deprecated: Use MPIPathManager.addPath instead.
Enables image flipping for a polygon
Returns the current language of the venue.
Get directions to a MPIDestinationSet (MPINavigatable.MPINode, MPINavigatable.MPILocation, MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon) from another MPINavigatable
Get directions to a MPINavigatable (MPINavigatable.MPINode, MPINavigatable.MPILocation, MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon) from another MPINavigatable
Get the distance in meters between a MPINavigatable (MPINavigatable.MPINode, MPINavigatable.MPILocation, MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon) and MPINavigatable
Gets the nearest node by screen coordinates
Gets a list of polygons by map coordinates
Gets a list of polygons by screen coordinates
Label all polygons with locations either loaded via the API or passed in
Sets a flat label for MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon
Sets a floating label for MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon
Loads the venue based on the options passed in MPIMapView
Remove all paths on the MPIMapView Deprecated: Use MPIPathManager.removeAllPaths instead.")
Removes a marker from a MPINavigatable.MPINode
Sets the ambient occlusion configuration.
Sets the anti aliasing configuration.
Sets the color of the MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon
Shows the venue based on the venue data and options passed in MPIMapView