
data class MPIDirections(val distance: Double, val path: List<MPINavigatable.MPINode>, val instructions: List<MPIDirections.MPIInstruction>)

MPIDirections contains paths and instructions to go from a MPINavigatable object to another MPINavigatable object


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constructor(distance: Double, path: List<MPINavigatable.MPINode>, instructions: List<MPIDirections.MPIInstruction>)


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data class MPIAction(    val type: MPIActionType?,     val bearing: MPIBearingType? = null,     val referencePosition: String? = null,     val fromMap: MPIMap? = null,     val toMap: MPIMap? = null)

This class represents the type of action to be taken in a specific MPIInstruction

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data class MPIInstruction(    val action: MPIDirections.MPIAction? = null,     val instruction: String?,     val node: MPINavigatable.MPINode? = null,     val distance: Double?,     var atVortex: MPINavigatable.MPIVortex? = null)

This class represents a singular step or instruction of a MPIDirections


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