get Distance
Get the distance in meters between a MPINavigatable (MPINavigatable.MPINode, MPINavigatable.MPILocation, MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon) and MPINavigatable
The MPINavigatable where the distant measurement will begin
The starting MPINavigatable where the distant measurement will end
Whether or not the directions are accessible (uses connections that are accessible), defaults to false
The callback that contains the distance in meters as a Float
Get the distance in meters between a MPINavigatable (MPINavigatable.MPINode, MPINavigatable.MPILocation, MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon) and MPINavigatable
the distance in meters as a Float
The MPINavigatable where the distant measurement will begin
The starting MPINavigatable where the distant measurement will end
Whether or not the directions are accessible (uses connections that are accessible), defaults to false