A MappedinLocation is something like a store or washroom on a MappedinMap. It has an ID and will be linked to zero or more MappedinNodes and MappedinPolygons.

A Location's Nodes and Polygons can be on multiple Maps, or in multiple non-adjacent places on the same Map. For example, all washroom at a given Venue could belong to one Location, or a department store could live on multiple floors. A Washroom Location might a have a few Polygons spread throughout the Venue for each one that exists, but a single store might just have one presence, and therefore one Polygon. Some Locations just have a single point and only have Nodes.

A Location can have more properties (typically things like 'name', 'externalId', 'type', 'categories', 'description', 'logo', etc).

The Mappedin 'things' object is where you would specify what properties you want to download for Locations. Only specify what you will actually use, to minmimze transfer time. Work with your Mappedin developer relations contact to set up any custom properties you need.

See below for an example a 'things' object with available Location properties specified:

things: {
venue: [],
locations: ['venue', 'name', 'type', 'icon', 'logo', 'language', 'externalId', 'description', 'categories', 'phone', 'operationHours', 'social', 'tags', 'parents', 'sortOrder'],
categories: [],
maps: []


  • MappedinNavigatable
    • MappedinLocation



__type: "MappedinLocation" = MappedinLocation.__type
amenity?: string
color?: TColor
description?: string
detailsUrl?: string
externalId?: string
filterFlags?: string[]
gallery?: TGalleryImage[]
id: string = ''
logo?: TImage
name: string = ''
operationHours?: TOpeningHours[]
phone?: TPhone
picture?: TPicture
shortName?: string
showLabelWhenImagePresent?: boolean
showSmartLabelWhenImagePresent?: boolean
siblingGroups?: TSiblingGroup[]
social?: TSocial
sortOrder?: number
states: TState[]
tags?: string[]
type: string = ''
__type: "MappedinLocation" = 'MappedinLocation'


  • get nodeOperationHours(): TOperationHoursMap
  • Returns TOperationHoursMap

  • get parent(): MappedinLocation
  • Parent of this Location, if any. Used in cases where one Location is inside another, more "important" Location.

    Returns MappedinLocation

  • set parent(parent): void
  • Parameters

    Returns void

  • get state(): MappedinLocationState
  • Returns MappedinLocationState


  • Calculate distance between 2 nodes, polygons or locations


    Returns number

  • Returns any

  • Parameters

    • mappedin: Mappedin
    • Optional hydrateData: any

    Returns Promise<void>