Disable BlueDot
Enable BlueDot
options: TEnableBlueDotOptionsBaseCamera controls interface
Journey management interface
Remove any paths and markers associated with journey
Visualize directions by drawing paths, and adding connection markers
Set the current step of a multi-part journey
Object that is returned when query matches
Query string to match for this object
weight?: numberOptional weight to multiply by the score
String to search for
Get a list of suggestions for query
Add or remove paths from the map
options: TPathOptionsOptional
currentCurrent map of Venue
venueVenue Data
Make polygons clickable
Clear Polygon Color
Creates a custom tooltip attached to a MappedinNode or a MappedinCoordinate, with any abitrary HTML code inside.
Node or Coordinate to attach the tooltip to
options: TCreateTooltipCommonOptionsCreate a marker attached to a MappedinNode, with any abitrary HTML code inside.
markerId This marker id can later be used to remove the marker
Creates a tooltip attached to a MappedinNode or a MappedinCoordinate
Node or Coordinate to attach the tooltip to
options: TCreateTooltipOptionsUse Paths.add
Draw a path based on a list of Nodes
Enables image flipping for a specific polygon
Get Directions
accessible?: booleanGets the nearest node by screen coordinate
mapIdOrMap: string | MappedinMapGet all polygons that intersect with a specific coordinate.
options: TGetPolygonsAtCoordinateOptionsGet all polygons that intersect with a specific screen coordinate.
options: TGetPolygonsAtCoordinateOptionsFinds the primary MappedinLocation associated with a MappedinPolygon. This means a location attached to the polygon that has no parents, or, if there are none of those, a location nearest the top of some hierarchy that does have the polygon attached.
// Log the primary location of a clicked polygon
onClick={({ polygons }) => {
if (polygons.length > 0) {
for(const polygon of polygons) {
console.log(await mapView.current?.getPrimaryLocationForPolygon(polygon));
The MappedinPolygon you want the primary location of.
The primary MappedinLocation or null if none found.
Label all polygons with locations either loaded via the API or passed in
options: TLabelAllLocationFloatingLabelOptions | TReactNativeFlatLabelAllLocationsLegacy | TReactNativeFlatLabelAllLocationsPlease use FloatingLabels.labelAllLocations or FlatLabels.labelAllLocations instead.
Change Map/Level
Set Polygon Color
Color to use
Set SDK state, which controls camera and other features geared towards a particular experience
EXPLORE (default)
FOLLOW - Lock Camera to the BlueDot so it follows it around the screen
BlueDot control interface