Package-level declarations

Mappedin data models, named with a prefix MPI.


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data class FloatingLabelClickEvent(val id: String, val node: MPINavigatable.MPINode, val text: String?)
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data class MarkerClickEvent(val id: String, val node: MPINavigatable.MPINode?, val coordinate: MPIMap.MPICoordinate?)
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enum MPIActionType : Enum<MPIActionType>

Possible action types of a specific MPIDirections.MPIInstruction

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enum MPIBearingType : Enum<MPIBearingType>

Possible bearing types when the action of a MPIDirections.MPIInstruction is MPIActionType.TURN

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class MPIBlueDotPositionUpdate(val position: MPIPosition, val _map: String, val _nearestNode: String, val bearing: Double? = null)

MPIBlueDotPositionUpdate gives the current position update of the blue dot.

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enum MPIBlueDotState : Enum<MPIBlueDotState>

MPIBlueDotState represents what we currently know about the user's position, and how confident we are.

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class MPIBlueDotStateChange(val internalName: Int, val internalMarkerVisibility: Int? = null, val internalReason: Int? = null, val message: String? = null)

MPIBlueDotStateChange contains the reason for an unexpected blue dot state change

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MPIBlueDotStateReason contains the reason for an unexpected blue dot state

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data class MPICategory(val name: String, val id: String, val externalId: String? = null, val parents: List<String> = emptyList<String>(), val icon: MPIPicture? = null, val iconFromDefaultList: String? = null)

MPIMaps represents one of the maps associated with a venue.

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data class MPIColor(val hex: String, val opacity: Double, val rgba: String)

MPIColor represents the brand color of a MPINavigatable.MPILocation

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class MPIData(val venue: MPIVenue, val maps: List<MPIMap>, val polygons: List<MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon>, val locations: List<MPINavigatable.MPILocation>, val categories: List<MPICategory>, val nodes: List<MPINavigatable.MPINode>, val vortexes: List<MPINavigatable.MPIVortex>, val mapGroups: List<MPIMapGroup>, val rankings: MPIRankings? = null)

MPIData represents the data received when loading a specific venue. Venue is a specific place (example: a mall).

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data class MPIDestinationSet(var destinations: List<MPINavigatable>)

MPIDestinationSet is list of MPINavigatable objects.

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data class MPIDirections(val distance: Double, val path: List<MPINavigatable.MPINode>, val instructions: List<MPIDirections.MPIInstruction>)

MPIDirections contains paths and instructions to go from a MPINavigatable object to another MPINavigatable object

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data class MPIGalleryImage(val image: MPIImage, val caption: String? = null)

MPIGalleryImage represents a gallery image of MPINavigatable.MPILocation

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data class MPIHeader(val name: String, val value: String)

Custom MPIHeaders can be used for requests when loading the venue

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data class MPIImage(val original: String? = null, val large: String? = null, val dimension140x140: String? = null, val dimension66x66: String? = null, val xxlarge: String? = null, val xsmall: String? = null, val xlarge: String? = null, val medium: String? = null, val xxsmall: String? = null, val small: String? = null)

MPIImage represents the logo image of MPINavigatable.MPILocation

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data class MPILanguage(val name: String, val code: String)

MPILanguage contains a language code and name.

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data class MPILocationState(val type: String, val start: String? = null, val end: String? = null)
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data class MPIMap(val id: String, val name: String, val shortName: String, val elevation: Double? = null, val scale: Double? = null, val x_scale: Double? = null, val _group: String)

MPIMaps represents one of the maps associated with a venue.

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data class MPIMapClickEvent(val floatingLabels: List<FloatingLabelClickEvent> = emptyList(), val markers: List<MarkerClickEvent> = emptyList(), val tooltips: List<TooltipClickEvent> = emptyList(), val maps: List<MPIMap> = emptyList(), val nearBlueDot: Boolean = false, val paths: List<MPINavigatable.MPIPath> = emptyList(), val polygons: List<MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon> = emptyList(), val position: MPIMap.MPICoordinate? = null)

MPIMapClickEvent is passed from MPIMapClickListner and provides information about the click event.

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data class MPIMapGroup(val id: String, val name: String, var maps: MutableList<MPIMap> = mutableListOf())

MPIMapGroup represents a collection of maps (different floors of a single building).

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enum MPIMarkerState : Enum<MPIMarkerState>

MPIMarkerState represents the current state of the blue dot marker

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sealed class MPINavigatable
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data class MPIOfflineSearchMatch(val matchesOn: String, val term: String, val value: String, val weight: Float)
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data class MPIOfflineSearchResultCategory(val score: Float, val type: String, val matches: List<MPIOfflineSearchMatch>, val category: MPICategory) : MPIOfflineSearchResultCommon
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data class MPIOfflineSearchSuggestion(val text: String)
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data class MPIOfflineSearchSuggestions(val total: Int, val hits: List<MPIOfflineSearchSuggestion>)
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data class MPIOpeningHours(val type: String, val opens: String, val closes: String, val dayOfWeek: List<String>)

MPIOpeningHours has the opening hours of the MPINavigatable.MPILocations.

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data class MPIPathNode(val node: String, val map: String)

MPIPathNode contains the id of the node and the id of the map of the adjacent nodes of the MPINavigatable.MPINode

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data class MPIPhone(val number: String? = null)

MPIPhone represents the phone of a MPINavigatable.MPILocation.

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data class MPIPicture(val original: String? = null)

MPIPicture represents the images that depict a specific MPINavigatable.MPILocation

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data class MPIPolygonRanking(val polygonId: String, val entranceNodeId: String? = null, val score: Double)

MPIPolygonRanking represents the ranking of a MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon.

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data class MPIPosition(val timestamp: Double? = 0.0, val coords: MPIPosition.MPICoordinates? = null, val type: String = "", val annotation: String? = null, val bearing: Double? = null)

Represents the geolocation of an object at a specific point in time.

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data class MPIRankings(val polygons: List<MPIPolygonRanking>)

MPIRankings represents the rankings data for a venue

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data class MPISearchResultInternal(val score: Float, val type: String, val matches: List<MPIOfflineSearchMatch>, val _object: MPISearchResultObject)
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data class MPISearchResultObject(val id: String)
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data class MPISiblingGroup(val label: String, val siblings: List<String>)

MPISiblingGroup represents a group of related MPINavigatable.MPILocation

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data class MPISocial(val website: String? = null, val twitter: String? = null, val facebook: String? = null, val instagram: String? = null)

MPISocial has different social media urls for a MPINavigatable.MPILocation.

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enum MPIState : Enum<MPIState>

MPIState represents the state of a MPIMap.

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data class MPIVenue(val name: String, val languages: List<MPILanguage>? = null, val defaultLanguage: MPILanguage)

MPIVenue contains general information about a venue.

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data class MPIVenueResponse(val data: String)

MPIVenueResponse contains a data string for a given venue.

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data class TooltipClickEvent(val id: String, val node: MPINavigatable.MPINode?, val coordinate: MPIMap.MPICoordinate?)