Type alias TMapClickEvent

TMapClickEvent: {
    floatingLabels: FloatingLabelClickEventPayload[];
    maps: MappedinMap[];
    markers: ClickEventPayload[];
    nearBlueDot: boolean;
    paths?: Path[];
    polygons: MappedinPolygon[];
    position: {
        latitude: number;
        longitude: number;
    tooltips: ClickEventPayload[];

Type declaration

  • floatingLabels: FloatingLabelClickEventPayload[]

    Information about the FloatingLabels that a user's click passed through. Will be empty if no FloatingLabels were clicked.

  • maps: MappedinMap[]

    A list of MappedinMaps corresponding to every map that a user's click passed through. These are in order of first to last intersected. Will be empty if no maps were clicked.

  • markers: ClickEventPayload[]

    Information about the Markers that a user's click passed through. Will be empty if no Markers were clicked.

  • nearBlueDot: boolean

    Indicates whether the user clicked close to the Blue Dot object on the map, if present. If Blue Dot is disabled, this will always be false.

  • Optional paths?: Path[]

    A list of Paths that a user's click passed through. These are in order of first to last intersected. Will be empty if no Paths were clicked.

  • polygons: MappedinPolygon[]

    A list of MappedinPolygons corresponding to every polygon that a user's click passed through. These are in order of first to last intersected. Will be empty if no interactive polygons were clicked.

  • position: {
        latitude: number;
        longitude: number;

    The latitude / longitude of where the user clicked the map. Both components may be NaN if unable to compute these components.

    • latitude: number
    • longitude: number
  • tooltips: ClickEventPayload[]

    Information about the Tooltips that a user's click passed through. Will be empty if no Tooltips were clicked.