Type alias TFocusOnCameraOptions

TFocusOnCameraOptions: {
    changeZoom?: boolean;
    maxZoom?: number;
    minZoom?: number;
    rotation?: number;
    safeAreaInsets?: TSafeAreaInsets;
    tilt?: number;
    updateZoomLimits?: boolean;

Options that change the behaviour of Camera.focusOn

Type declaration

  • Optional changeZoom?: boolean

    Whether the current zoom level should be changed to better place the targets in view.

  • Optional maxZoom?: number

    The maximum zoom level the camera is allowed to change to when focusing on targets.

  • Optional minZoom?: number

    The minimum zoom level the camera is allowed to change to when focusing on targets. Useful to prevent the camera from zooming in too far if the target is a single MappedinNode or MappedinCoordinate.

  • Optional rotation?: number

    Specify the rotation the camera makes during the focusing animation.

  • Optional safeAreaInsets?: TSafeAreaInsets

    Specify a safe area of the screen only that applies only to this focusOn call. See also Camera.setSafeAreaInsets.

  • Optional tilt?: number

    Specify the tilt the camera makes during the focusing animation.

  • Optional updateZoomLimits?: boolean

    Whether Camera.minZoom and Camera.maxZoom should be recalculated during the focusing animation.