Class Mappedin


  • Mappedin



analytics: IAnalytics
categories: MappedinCategory[]
events: MappedinEvent[]
imageBinaries?: Map<string, Uint8Array>
images: any
locationStates: MappedinLocationState[]
locations: MappedinLocation[]
mapGroups: MappedinMapGroup[]
maps: MappedinMap[]
nodes: MappedinNode[]
options: any
perspective: any
polygons: MappedinPolygon[]
rankings?: MappedinRankings
scenes: any
themes: MappedinTheme[]
things: any
updatedAt?: string
vortexes: MappedinVortex[]


  • Returns Promise<void>

  • Type Parameters


    • name: T
    • id: I

    Returns null | TAccessors[T]

  • Experimental

    Hydrate the Mappedin instance using a response from either Mappedin.toString, getVenueBundle or by downloading the bundle manually


    • mappedinSerializableData: string | Record<string, unknown>

      Mappedin data that was serialized or exported as JSON

    • Optional shouldPopulateBundledImagesAsBlobs: boolean

      Takes the scenes and images from a bundle and maps them as blobs to where they exist as URLs in the bundle. False by default

    Returns Promise<undefined>

  • Export venue data to JSON (for storage, encryption, etc)

    Returns any

  • Export venue data to String

    Returns string