Mappedin MiniMap component
Animation duration in milliseconds
If Polygon is not set, this will let you add a TextLabel to another Map. Otherwise, it will use the currentMap
The short name text to use for the label.
The full name text to use for the label.
For venues that do not provide level updates, assume the user is always on the default map If this is false, and no level information is found from position updates, blueDotUpdate events will not include the nearest node This should probably be set true for single floor venues that have no level information in position updates
Override the default color of the Blue Dot. We interpolate other colors, (such as aura and bearing) from this base color
Custom positionUpdater
Show Bearing
Smooth incoming position updates. Set to false if smoothing happens outside the SDK
Whether to use the rotated view while following the user's position.
Optional color in hexadecimal string e.g. #2e2e2e
A CSS style string font, e.g. "sans-serif". You can specify your own font via @font-face rule with a font family, and then include that here.
Size of the font in pixels.
By default this is the upper bounds of the Polygon. If you don't have a Polygon, or want a custom height for some reason, you can set this.
The amount of space to leave before starting the text in pixels
The minimum percentage we can shrink the label to if it won't fit within the bounds at 100%. If it doesn't fit at that level, it won't be created.
How much to decrement the scale each time it doesn't fit, so we don't end up with too many different font sizes on screen at once. If you are only labeling a few MappedinPolygons rather than everything, you can set this and and scaleMin to 0.1 to fit everything except really long names perfectly.
Margin around the label and marker. This will affect label density
Background color of the marker when it is active
Background color of the marker when it is inactive (grayed out due to being outranked by other labels around)
Foreground color of the marker when it is active
Foreground color of the marker when it is inactive (grayed out due to being outranked by other labels around)
Size of the marker in pixels
Text background color
Text foreground color
Line height sets the height of a line box. It's commonly used to set the distance between lines of text
Maxiumum width of text in pixels
Number of lines to display when text spans multiple lines
Text size in pixels
Animation options
Camera options to use while focusing
Targets to focus on
An extension of the GeolocationPosition type.
Function that returns an HTML template to use as a connection tooltips (elevators, escalators, etc)
Function that returns an HTML template to use as a departure marker. Override with null | undefined to disable
Function that returns an HTML template to use as a destination marker. Override with null | undefined to disable
Path Options for the non-current path in multi-destination mode.
Path Options
What color to highlight departure and destination polygons Pass false to disable
Display label despite the MappedinPolygon having an image on it. Often these images represent store logos.
Exclude specific location types from labeling
Locations to label - otherwise, use current venue object
Custom Translation Map for {@link MappedinLocation.MappedinLocationState}
A custom sort function to use for sorting locations
this is the "overloaded" version of the directive, with get-venue classes instead of stubs
Distance from the last instruction to the current. Useful for turn by turn navigation
Options to initialze MiMapView with
The MapViewStore instance will be returned here
Venue Data to render inside the MapView. This is returned by getVenue or getVenueBundle
Called when Blue Dot position is updated
Called when Blue Dot State is updated. This can be used to figure out why the Blue Dot is not visible
Called when the map is ready for interaction
Called when the map changes
Called when clicking outside any interactive polygons
Called when an interactive polygon is clicked
Called if an error occurs loading the venue map
Options to initialze MiMapView with
Venue Data to render inside the MapView. This is returned by getVenue
Called when minimap is rendereed
Called if there's an error loading the minimap
Animate the drawing of the path in the direction of travel.
Path Colour
Show arrows on path
Duration of path drawing
Radius of path at furthest zoom, in metres
Zoom level where the path size is farRadius
Flatten the path to a 2D line
Radius of path at nearest zoom, in metres
Zoom level where the path size is nearRadius
Colour of path pulse
Number of iterations to pulse to indicate direction
How many milliseconds to wait before starting the next pulse after the current pulse travels the entirety of the path
(Deprecated) alias for nearRadius
Show an animated pulse indicating the direction of travel.
The opacity of the initial background color.
Sets the initial background color of the map, including while loading.
The id of the first map to show on map load
Whether or not to display default styled Floating Labels initially
Set the map render strategy in order to optimize FPS
Mappedin MiniMap component
Get Venue Data for a Mappedin Venue
[experimental] Fetching an offline Venue bundle It is possible to download the venue bundle with all assets built in, which allows for caching/offline solutions. Note 1: This requires enabling from Mappedin's Customer Solutions team. Note 2: This may behave a lot slower for large venues, especially those with many images. We are actively working on improving load times.
Mappedin MapView component