
class MPIOptions

This class holds the options


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fun MPIOptions()


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interface AbstractFlatLabel

AbstractFlatLabel holds the properties of flat labels of data classes: FlatLabelInternal and FlatLabel

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interface AbstractFlatLabelAllLocations

AbstractFlatLabelAllLocations holds the properties of flat label all locations of data classes: FlatLabelAllLocationsInternal and FlatLabelAllLocations

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data class AddFlatLabel(val appearance: MPIOptions.FlatLabelAppearance? = null)
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data class AddFloatingLabel(    val scale: Double? = null,     val ranks: MPIOptions.COLLISION_RANK? = null,     val appearance: MPIOptions.FloatingLabelAppearance? = null)
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Change the quality of ambient occlusion in the scene. Greater quality means less noise, but worse performance.

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serializer for ambient occlusion resolution

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Use half-resolution mode for performance-critical applications. This will cause the AO to be calculated at half the resolution of the screen, and then upscaled to the full resolution. This is a great way to get a performance boost (generally 2x-4x) at the cost of some quality (the AO will lack fine details and temporal stability will be slightly reduced).

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serializer for ambient occlusion resolution

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data class AmbientOcclusionConfiguration(    val aoEnabled: Boolean? = null,     val aoQuality: MPIOptions.AMBIENT_OCCLUSION_QUALITY? = null,     val aoRadius: Double? = null,     val aoResolution: MPIOptions.AMBIENT_OCCLUSION_RESOLUTION? = null,     val aoSamples: Double? = null,     val autoRenderBeauty: Boolean? = null,     val color: String? = null,     val denoiseIterations: Double? = null,     val denoiseRadius: Double? = null,     val denoiseSamples: Double? = null,     val depthAwareUpsampling: Boolean? = null,     val gammaCorrection: Boolean? = null,     val intensity: Double? = null,     val logarithmicDepthBuffer: Boolean? = null,     val renderMode: Double? = null,     val screenSpaceRadius: Boolean? = null)

Configuration for an ambient occlusion.

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Anti alias quality level. Greater quality means less artifacts(less aliasing), but higher performance requirements.

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@Serializer(forClass = MPIOptions.ANTI_ALIAS_QUALITY::class)

serializer for anti alias quality

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data class AntialiasConfiguration(val antialias: Boolean? = null, val antialiasQuality: MPIOptions.ANTI_ALIAS_QUALITY? = null)

Configuration for an anti aliasing.

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data class BlueDot(    val allowImplicitFloorLevel: Boolean? = false,     val smoothing: Boolean? = true,     val showBearing: Boolean? = false,     val baseColor: String? = "#2266ff",     val useRotationMode: Boolean? = false)

BlueDot holds the properties of values to be set when enabling blue dot

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@Serializer(forClass = MPIOptions.CAMERA_DIRECTION::class)

serializer for camera direction

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data class CameraAnimation(val duration: Double? = null, val easing: MPIOptions.EASING_MODE? = null)

Configuration for an animation.

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data class CameraInteractionsSetOptions(    val pan: Boolean? = null,     val rotationAndTilt: Boolean? = null,     val zoom: Boolean? = null)
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data class CameraPadding(    val top: Double,     val bottom: Double,     val left: Double,     val right: Double)

Focus padding for focus

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data class CameraTargets(    val nodes: List<MPINavigatable.MPINode>? = null,     val polygons: List<MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon>? = null,     val coordinates: List<MPIMap.MPICoordinate>? = null)

Things that the camera can be positioned to focus on.

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data class CameraTransformCoordinate(    val zoom: Double? = null,     val tilt: Double? = null,     val rotation: Double? = null,     val position: MPIMap.MPICoordinate? = null)

A configuration of the camera in space.

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data class CameraTransformNode(    val zoom: Double? = null,     val tilt: Double? = null,     val rotation: Double? = null,     val position: MPINavigatable.MPINode? = null)

A configuration of the camera in space.

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COLLISION_RANK Defines the priority levels for displaying colliders. The COLLISION_RANK determines which colliders are displayed when there are multiple colliders in the same space. A higher rank ensures higher visibility, and colliders with higher ranks will be displayed over lower-priority ones.

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@Serializer(forClass = MPIOptions.COLLISION_RANK::class)

serializer for COLLISION_RANK

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object Companion
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data class ConnectionPath @JvmOverloads constructor(    val drawDuration: Double? = null,     val nearRadius: Double? = null,     val farRadius: Double? = null,     val color: String? = null)

Connection path object - No longer used.

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@Serializer(forClass = MPIOptions.EASING_MODE::class)

serializer for easing mode

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data class FlatLabel(val text: String? = null, val appearance: MPIOptions.FlatLabelAppearance? = null) : MPIOptions.AbstractFlatLabel

FlatLabel holds the properties of flat labels to be set when setting flat label to polygons

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data class FlatLabelAllLocations(val appearance: MPIOptions.FlatLabelAppearance? = null, val locations: List<String>? = null) : MPIOptions.AbstractFlatLabelAllLocations

FlatLabelAllLocations holds the properties of flat labels to be set when setting flat labels to a collection of polygons

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data class FlatLabelAllLocationsInternal(    var legacyLabels: Boolean,     val appearance: MPIOptions.FlatLabelAppearance? = null,     val locations: List<String>? = null) : MPIOptions.AbstractFlatLabelAllLocations

FlatLabelAllLocationsInternal exposes the flat labels flag to be true internally while setting flat labels to a collection of polygons

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data class FlatLabelAppearance @JvmOverloads constructor(    val height: Float? = null,     val margin: Float? = 5.0f,     val color: String? = null,     val fontSize: Float? = 12.0f,     val scaleMin: Float? = 0.25f,     var scaleStep: Float? = 0.25f)

FlatLabelAppearance holds the appearance properties of flat labels to be set when labeling polygons

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data class FlatLabelInternal(    var flatLabels: Boolean,     val text: String? = null,     val appearance: MPIOptions.FlatLabelAppearance? = null) : MPIOptions.AbstractFlatLabel

FlatLabelInternal exposes the flat labels flag to be true internally while setting flat labels to polygons

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data class FloatingLabel @JvmOverloads constructor(    val text: String,     val shortText: String? = null,     val stateText: String? = null,     val rank: MPIOptions.COLLISION_RANK? = null,     val appearance: MPIOptions.FloatingLabelAppearance? = null)

FloatingLabel holds the properties of floating labels to be set when setting labels to polygons

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data class FloatingLabelAllLocations @JvmOverloads constructor(    val appearance: MPIOptions.FloatingLabelAppearance? = null,     val locations: List<String>? = null,     val interactive: Boolean? = false)

FloatingLabelAllLocations holds the properties of floating labels to be set at a collection of locations

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data class FloatingLabelAppearance @JvmOverloads constructor(    val margin: Double? = 6.0,     val text: MPIOptions.FloatingLabelAppearance.Text? = null,     val marker: MPIOptions.FloatingLabelAppearance.Marker? = null)

FloatingLabelAppearance holds the appearance properties of floating labels to be set when labeling polygons

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data class FocusOn(    val changeZoom: Boolean? = null,     val minZoom: Double? = null,     val rotation: Double? = null,     val tilt: Double? = null,     val padding: MPIOptions.CameraPadding? = null,     val duration: Double? = null,     val easing: MPIOptions.EASING_MODE? = null)

Options that change the behaviour of MPICamera.focusOn

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data class GetPolygonsAtCoordinate(val includeNonInteractive: Boolean? = false)
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data class Init @JvmOverloads constructor(    val clientId: String = "",     val clientSecret: String = "",     val venue: String = "",     val perspective: String? = "Website",     val baseUrl: String = "",     val noAuth: Boolean = false,     val firstMapId: String? = null,     val headers: List<MPIHeader>? = null,     val useBundle: Boolean? = false,     val emitAnalyticsEvents: Boolean? = true,     val useDraftData: Boolean? = false,     val language: String? = null)

This class hold the properties of values to be used when initialzing a map

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data class Journey @JvmOverloads constructor(    val connectionPathOptions: MPIOptions.Path? = null,     val connectionTemplateString: String? = null,     val destinationMarkerTemplateString: String? = null,     val departureMarkerTemplateString: String? = null,     val pathOptions: MPIOptions.Path? = null,     val polygonHighlightColor: String? = "#ff834c",     val inactivePathOptions: MPIOptions.Path? = null)

Journey holds the properties of journey when drawing jouney

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data class Marker(    val rank: MPIOptions.COLLISION_RANK? = null,     val anchor: MPIOptions.MARKER_ANCHOR? = null,     val interactive: Boolean? = false)

Marker holds the properties of values when adding markers containing arbitrary HTML

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MARKER_ANCHOR holds the properties of anchor when adding markers

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@Serializer(forClass = MPIOptions.MARKER_ANCHOR::class)

serializer for marker anchor

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data class MarkerAnimationOptions(val duration: Double? = null, val easing: MPIOptions.EASING_MODE? = null)
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data class OutdoorView(val enabled: Boolean? = false)

Configuration for Outdoor view. Outdoor view Requires MPIOptions.ShowVenue.multibufferRendering to be enabled.

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data class Path @JvmOverloads constructor(    val color: String? = "#4b90e2",     var pulseColor: String? = "#ffffff",     var nearRadius: Double? = 1.8,     var farRadius: Double? = null,     var drawDuration: Double? = 1500.0,     var drawConnectionSegments: Boolean? = null,     var pulseIterations: Double? = null,     var connectionPathOptions: MPIOptions.ConnectionPath? = null,     var displayArrowsOnPath: Boolean? = true,     var interactive: Boolean? = false,     var animateDrawing: Boolean? = true,     var farZoom: Double = 10000.0,     var flattenPath: Boolean = false,     var nearZoom: Double = 375.0,     var pulsePauseDuration: Double = 750.0,     var showPulse: Boolean = true)

Path holds the properties of values to be set when path is drawn

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data class ShowVenue(    val firstMapId: String? = null,     val labelAllLocationsOnInit: Boolean = true,     val backgroundColor: String? = null,     val backgroundAlpha: Double? = null,     val multiBufferRendering: Boolean? = false,     val xRayPath: Boolean? = true,     val antialiasConfig: MPIOptions.AntialiasConfiguration? = null,     val ambientOcclusionConfig: MPIOptions.AmbientOcclusionConfiguration? = null,     val outdoorView: MPIOptions.OutdoorView? = null,     val shadingAndOutlines: Boolean? = false)

ShowVenue holds the properties of values to be set when showing a venue.

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data class Tooltip(    val collisionRank: MPIOptions.COLLISION_RANK? = null,     val interactive: Boolean? = false,     val padding: Double? = null,     val enabledAnchorTypes: MPIOptions.TooltipAnchor? = null,     val defaultAnchorType: String? = null)

Tooltip holds the properties of values when adding tooltips containing arbitrary HTML

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data class TooltipAnchor(    val top: Boolean? = null,     val left: Boolean? = null,     val topLeft: Boolean? = null,     val right: Boolean? = null,     val topRight: Boolean? = null,     val bottom: Boolean? = null,     val bottomLeft: Boolean? = null,     val bottomRight: Boolean? = null)

TooltipAnchor An object used to disable certain anchor positions from being used.


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open override fun toString(): String

convert Marker to string