
data class MPILocation(    val id: String,     val name: String? = null,     val type: String? = null,     val description: String? = null,     val sortOrder: Double? = null,     val logo: MPIImage? = null,     val phone: MPIPhone? = null,     val social: MPISocial? = null,     val shortName: String? = null,     val detailsUrl: String? = null,     val parent: String? = null,     val tags: List<String>? = null,     val externalId: String? = null,     val picture: MPIPicture? = null,     val states: List<MPILocationState>? = null,     val operationalHours: List<MPIOpeningHours>? = null,     val siblingGroups: List<MPISiblingGroup>? = null,     val gallery: List<MPIGalleryImage>? = null) : MPINavigatable

MPILocation represents a specific area of interest such as a store location

  • Note: A MPILocation's MPINodes and MPIPolygons can be on multiple MPIMaps, or in multiple non-adjacent places on the same MPIMap. For example, all washrooms at a given venue could belong to one MPILocation. A washroom location might a have a few MPIPolygons spread throughout the venue for each one that exists. On the other hand, a department store could live on multiple floors. A single store can just have one presence, and therefore one MPIPolygon . Some Locations just have a single point with MPINodes.

  • Note: MPILocation has an ID and will be linked to MPINode, MPIPolygon.


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fun MPILocation(    id: String,     name: String? = null,     type: String? = null,     description: String? = null,     sortOrder: Double? = null,     logo: MPIImage? = null,     phone: MPIPhone? = null,     social: MPISocial? = null,     shortName: String? = null,     detailsUrl: String? = null,     parent: String? = null,     tags: List<String>? = null,     externalId: String? = null,     picture: MPIPicture? = null,     states: List<MPILocationState>? = null,     operationalHours: List<MPIOpeningHours>? = null,     siblingGroups: List<MPISiblingGroup>? = null,     gallery: List<MPIGalleryImage>? = null)


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data class MPITinyNode(val node: String, val map: String)

MPITinyNode is a MPINode with only id and id of its map


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var categories: List<MPICategory>

A list of categories linked to the MPILocation

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val description: String? = null

Description of the MPILocation

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val detailsUrl: String? = null

Url of the details of the MPILocation

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val externalId: String? = null

External id of the MPILocation

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val gallery: List<MPIGalleryImage>? = null

Gallery images of the MPILocation

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open override val id: String

Id of the MPILocation

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val logo: MPIImage? = null

Logo of the MPILocation

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val name: String? = null

Name of the MPILocation

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var nodes: List<MPINavigatable.MPINode>

An array of nodes linked to the MPILocation

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val operationalHours: List<MPIOpeningHours>? = null

Operation hours of the MPILocation

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val parent: String? = null

id of the parent location of the MPILocation

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val phone: MPIPhone? = null

Phone of the MPILocation

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val picture: MPIPicture? = null

Picture of the MPILocation

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var polygons: List<MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon>

An array of polygons linked to the MPILocation

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val shortName: String? = null

Short name of the MPILocation

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val siblingGroups: List<MPISiblingGroup>? = null

Sibling groups of the MPILocation

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val social: MPISocial? = null

Social media accounts of the MPILocation

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val sortOrder: Double? = null

Sort order of the MPILocation

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val states: List<MPILocationState>? = null

States of the MPILocation

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val tags: List<String>? = null

Tags of the MPILocation

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val type: String? = null

Type of the MPILocation