MPILocation represents a specific area of interest such as a store location
Note: A MPILocation's MPINodes and MPIPolygons can be on multiple MPIMaps, or in multiple non-adjacent places on the same MPIMap. For example, all washrooms at a given venue could belong to one MPILocation. A washroom location might a have a few MPIPolygons spread throughout the venue for each one that exists. On the other hand, a department store could live on multiple floors. A single store can just have one presence, and therefore one MPIPolygon . Some Locations just have a single point with MPINodes.
Note: MPILocation has an ID and will be linked to MPINode, MPIPolygon.
MPITinyNode is a MPINode with only id and id of its map
A list of categories linked to the MPILocation
Gallery images of the MPILocation
An array of nodes linked to the MPILocation
Operation hours of the MPILocation
An array of polygons linked to the MPILocation
Sibling groups of the MPILocation