
data class FloatingLabelAppearance @JvmOverloads constructor(    val margin: Double? = null,     val text: MPIOptions.FloatingLabelAppearance.Text? = null,     val marker: MPIOptions.FloatingLabelAppearance.Marker? = null)

FloatingLabelAppearance holds the appearance properties of floating labels to be set when labeling polygons


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fun FloatingLabelAppearance(    margin: Double? = null,     text: MPIOptions.FloatingLabelAppearance.Text? = null,     marker: MPIOptions.FloatingLabelAppearance.Marker? = null)


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data class Color @JvmOverloads constructor(val active: String? = null, val inactive: String? = null)
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object Companion
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data class Marker @JvmOverloads constructor(    val size: Double? = null,     val foregroundColor: MPIOptions.FloatingLabelAppearance.Color? = null,     val backgroundColor: MPIOptions.FloatingLabelAppearance.Color? = null,     val icon: String? = null,     val iconVisibilityThreshold: Double? = null)
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data class Text @JvmOverloads constructor(    val numLines: Int? = null,     val size: Double? = null,     val maxWidth: Double? = null,     val foregroundColor: String? = null,     val backgroundColor: String? = null)


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val margin: Double? = null

Margin around the label and marker. This will affect label density

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val marker: MPIOptions.FloatingLabelAppearance.Marker? = null

Marker appearance

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val text: MPIOptions.FloatingLabelAppearance.Text? = null

Text appearance