Package com. mappedin. sdk. models
Mappedin data models, named with a prefix MPI
Possible action types of a specific MPIDirections.MPIInstruction
Possible bearing types when the action of a MPIDirections.MPIInstruction is MPIActionType.TURN
MPIBlueDot represents a blue dot.
MPIBlueDotPositionUpdate gives the current position update of the blue dot.
MPIBlueDotState represents what we currently know about the user's position, and how confident we are.
MPIBlueDotStateChange contains the reason for an unexpected blue dot state change
MPIBlueDotStateReason contains the reason for an unexpected blue dot state
MPIData represents the data received when loading a specific venue. Venue is a specific place (example: a mall).
MPIDestinationSet is list of MPINavigatable objects.
MPIDirections contains paths and instructions to go from a MPINavigatable object to another MPINavigatable object
MPIGalleryImage represents a gallery image of MPINavigatable.MPILocation
MPIImage represents the logo image of MPINavigatable.MPILocation
MPILocationState represents the state of MPINavigatable.MPILocation
MPIMapGroup represents a collection of maps (different floors of a single building).
MPIMarkerState represents the current state of the blue dot marker
MPIOpeningHours has the opening hours of the MPINavigatable.MPILocations.
MPIPathNode contains the id of the node and the id of the map of the adjacent nodes of the MPINavigatable.MPINode
MPIPhone represents the phone of a MPINavigatable.MPILocation.
MPIPicture represents the images that depict a specific MPINavigatable.MPILocation
MPIPolygonRanking represents the ranking of a MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon.
MPIPosition represents the geolocation of an object at a specific point in time
MPIRankings represents the rankings data for a venue
MPISiblingGroup represents a group of related MPINavigatable.MPILocation
MPITinyCoordinate contains the mapId, type, lat & lon of a MPICoordinate object
MPITinyObject contains the id and type of a MPINavigatable object
MPIVenueResponse contains a data string for a given venue.