
interface MPIMapViewInterface

This class contains methods that help to display and interact with a Mappedin venue


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abstract fun addInteractivePolygon(polygon: MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon)
Adds an interactive polygon (allows it to be clickable)
  • Note: usually, polygons with locations attached to them are set to be interactive by default. However, certain polygons might not be. Use this function if you want to set certain polygons to be interactive.

abstract fun addInteractivePolygon(polygonId: String)
Adds an interactive polygon (allows it to be clickable)
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abstract fun clearAllPolygonColors(completionCallback: (String?) -> Unit? = null)
Clears color on all polygons
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abstract fun clearJourney()
Remove all paths and connection tooltips on the MPIMapView
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abstract fun createMarker(coordinate: MPIMap.MPICoordinate, contentHtml: String, markerOptions: MPIOptions.Marker = MPIOptions.Marker()): String
Creates a marker on a MPINavigatable.
abstract fun createMarker(node: MPINavigatable.MPINode, contentHtml: String, markerOptions: MPIOptions.Marker = MPIOptions.Marker()): String
Creates a marker on a MPINavigatable.MPINode
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abstract fun disableBlueDot()
Disables the blue dot so it does not appear on the mapView
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abstract fun drawJourney(directions: MPIDirections, options: MPIOptions.Journey? = null)
Draws a journey on the MPIMapView
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abstract fun drawPath(path: List<MPINavigatable.MPINode>, pathOptions: MPIOptions.Path? = null)
Draws a path on the MPIMapView
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abstract fun enableBlueDot(options: MPIOptions.BlueDot = MPIOptions.BlueDot())
Enables the blue dot so it will appear if the location is in the venue
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open operator fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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abstract fun focusOn(focusOptions: MPIOptions.Focus)
Focus on a list of nodes and/or polygons provided in the focus options
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abstract fun getDirections(to: MPIDestinationSet, from: MPINavigatable, accessible: Boolean = true, directionsCallback: (List<MPIDirections>?) -> Unit)
abstract fun getDirections(to: MPINavigatable, from: MPINavigatable, accessible: Boolean = true, directionsCallback: (MPIDirections?) -> Unit)
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abstract fun getNearestNodeByScreenCoordinates(x: Int, y: Int, map: MPIMap? = null, nearestNodeCallback: (MPINavigatable.MPINode?) -> Unit)
Gets the nearest node by screen coordinates
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open fun hashCode(): Int
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abstract fun labelAllLocations(options: MPIOptions.FlatLabelAllLocations? = null)
Label all polygons with locations either loaded via the API or passed in
abstract fun labelAllLocations(options: MPIOptions.FloatingLabelAllLocations? = null)
Label all polygons with locations either loaded via the API or passed in
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abstract fun labelPolygon(polygon: MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon, options: MPIOptions.FlatLabel)
Sets a flat label for MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon
abstract fun labelPolygon(polygon: MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon, options: MPIOptions.FloatingLabel)
Sets a floating label for MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon
abstract fun labelPolygon(polygonId: String, options: MPIOptions.FlatLabel)
Sets a flat label for MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon
abstract fun labelPolygon(polygonId: String, options: MPIOptions.FloatingLabel)
Sets a floating label for MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon
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abstract fun loadVenue(options: MPIOptions.Init, showVenueOptions: MPIOptions.ShowVenue? = null, errorCallback: (MPIError?) -> Unit? = null)
Loads the venue based on the options passed in MPIMapView
  • Note: API calls will be made to retrieve the data

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abstract fun removeAllLabels()
Removes all labels
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abstract fun removeAllPaths(completionCallback: (String?) -> Unit? = null)
Remove all paths on the MPIMapView
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abstract fun removeMarker(markerId: String)
Removes a marker from a MPINavigatable.MPINode
  • Note: cannot remove a marker id that does not exist yet

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abstract fun setMap(map: MPIMap, completionCallback: (String?) -> Unit? = null)
Sets the MPIMap of the MPIMapView
abstract fun setMap(mapId: String, completionCallback: (String?) -> Unit? = null)
Sets the MPIMap of the MPIMapView
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abstract fun setPolygonColor(polygon: MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon, color: String, textColor: String? = null, opacity: Double = 1.0)
Sets the color of the MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon
abstract fun setPolygonColor(polygonId: String, color: String, textColor: String? = null, opacity: Double = 1.0)
Sets the color of the MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon
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abstract fun showVenue(venueResponse: MPIVenueResponse, showVenueOptions: MPIOptions.ShowVenue? = null, errorCallback: (MPIError?) -> Unit? = null)
Shows the venue based on the venue data and options passed in MPIMapView
  • Note: An alternative method to using loadVenue where no API calls will be made; instead, data must be passed in to showVenue which takes in a deserialized MPIVenueResponse

abstract fun showVenue(venueResponse: String, showVenueOptions: MPIOptions.ShowVenue? = null, errorCallback: (MPIError?) -> Unit? = null)
Shows the venue based on the venue data and options passed in MPIMapView
  • Note: An alternative method to using loadVenue where no API calls will be made; instead, data must be passed in to showVenue which takes in a data string

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open fun toString(): String
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abstract fun updatePosition(position: MPIPosition)
Updates the position of the blue dot on the mapView


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