Shows the venue based on the venue data and options passed in MPIMapView
Note: An alternative method to using loadVenue where no API calls will be made; instead, data must be passed in to showVenue which takes in a data string
The full response string received from the API
The options MPIOptions.ShowVenue to load the MPIMapView with
Callback when MPIMapView.showVenue fails, contains an MPIError as the first parameter, defaults to null
Shows the venue based on the venue data and options passed in MPIMapView
Note: An alternative method to using loadVenue where no API calls will be made; instead, data must be passed in to showVenue which takes in a deserialized MPIVenueResponse
The response from the API deserialized as MPIVenueResponse
The options MPIOptions.ShowVenue to load the MPIMapView with
Callback when MPIMapView.showVenue fails, contains an MPIError as the first parameter, defaults to null