
data class ShowVenue(    val firstMapId: String? = null,     val labelAllLocationsOnInit: Boolean = true,     val backgroundColor: String? = null,     val backgroundAlpha: Double? = null,     val multiBufferRendering: Boolean? = false,     val xRayPath: Boolean? = true,     val antialiasConfig: MPIOptions.AntialiasConfiguration? = null,     val ambientOcclusionConfig: MPIOptions.AmbientOcclusionConfiguration? = null,     val outdoorView: MPIOptions.OutdoorView? = null,     val shadingAndOutlines: Boolean? = false)

ShowVenue holds the properties of values to be set when showing a venue.


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fun ShowVenue(    firstMapId: String? = null,     labelAllLocationsOnInit: Boolean = true,     backgroundColor: String? = null,     backgroundAlpha: Double? = null,     multiBufferRendering: Boolean? = false,     xRayPath: Boolean? = true,     antialiasConfig: MPIOptions.AntialiasConfiguration? = null,     ambientOcclusionConfig: MPIOptions.AmbientOcclusionConfiguration? = null,     outdoorView: MPIOptions.OutdoorView? = null,     shadingAndOutlines: Boolean? = false)


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Configuration for ambient occlusion. Defaults to disabled. This config object allows enabling ambient occlusion and setting the quality and resolution. Use MPIMapView.setAmbientOcclusionConfiguration() to set other options.

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val antialiasConfig: MPIOptions.AntialiasConfiguration? = null

Controls whether antialiasing is enabled and its quality level. Defaults to true with medium quality if device pixel ratio is 1. This is very expensive on high resolution screens.

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val backgroundAlpha: Double? = null

Set background alpha of the map

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val backgroundColor: String? = null

Set background color of the map when showing the venue

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val firstMapId: String? = null

Set the first map with first map id when showing the venue

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val labelAllLocationsOnInit: Boolean = true

Show the venue with labels on all locations

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val multiBufferRendering: Boolean? = false

Multi-buffer rendering is currently an experimental feature that may be changed in future releases. Multi-buffer rendering should improve performance but may cause issues on older GPUs.

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val outdoorView: MPIOptions.OutdoorView? = null

Configuration for outdoor view. Defaults to disabled. Outdoor view requires multiBufferRendering to be enabled.

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val shadingAndOutlines: Boolean? = false

Enable shading of bottoms of geometry along with outlines to make geometry stand out.

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val xRayPath: Boolean? = true

xRay Paths is currently an experimental feature that may be changed in future releases. Journey path will be visible through other objects. Note: this is on by default, but requires the multiBufferRendering option (which is off by default) to be turned on.